7 Myths of Wage & Hour Compliance
Download your FREE copy of The 7 Myths of Wage & Hour Compliance today. Learn how wage and hour compliance can become a reality.
Have you ever been told you might be tracking overtime wrong? Do you know the difference between exempt and non-exempt employees? Our free eBook can help.
Find the truth to the following myths:
- Myth #1: I know I’m not compliant, but I don’t care.
- Myth #2: My company is small and under the radar so compliance doesn’t really matter.
- Myth #3: My employees are salaried so overtime doesn’t apply.
- Myth #4: Only if my employees work over 80 hours do they get overtime.
- Myth #5: My workweek begins Monday and ends Friday.
- Myth #6: It doesn’t matter how I track my employee time punches.
- Myth #7: I’m not worried if I’m caught, I have insurance.
So… Why Are We Giving This Away?
Simple, we deal with wage and hour compliance issues almost every day. We feel the information we’ve learned should be passed on to as many who are willing to listen. We’ve helped hundreds avoid major compliance issues and would like to earn the opportunity to help you as well.
Whether you like it or not, chances are you either have or will at some point deal with wage and hour compliance issues. We hope our experience might help you through it.
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